Saturday, April 4, 2009

You're Busted, Brian!

Last night Anna asked me if it is okay for people to say "shut up". I told her no, of course. She then proceeded to tell me that her dad told her to shut up. She said that since I'm his mother and Papa is his dad she thought she better tell us because parents don't like their kids talking like that. I assured her that I would have a little talk with my son about his language. Needless to say, I talked to Brian and we had a good laugh. Nothing gets by Anna, so you better watch yourselves or she'll tattle on you to your parents.

Neil and I are celebrating our 35th anniversary on Easter Sunday, April 12th. We are flying to Seattle for a few days. Thought we'd drive by Brian's office at Microsoft, for one thing. I spoke with one of my customers the other day in Seattle and told her to make sure the weather is good from the 9th to the 12th. She said it had snowed the day before. Neil's been watching the weather and said it doesn't look too promising, but then again it was such a terrible snow storm the day we got married in 1974 that it about ruined our wedding cake trying to get it into the building, and then later that night Neil got pulled over by the UHP at the point of the mountain for going too fast in dangerous weather conditions. I think he was doing like 35 mph. I think he made some comment to the cop about it being our wedding night and guy got a strange grin on his face and just gave him a warning. I tell you, I married a "wild" one :~) !!! He's the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm a lucky girl to have my calm, level-headed Neil.

Neil and I took Kelton out for his 11th birthday the other night. Wow, he's getting old!! We went to Applebee's where they sang a cool birthday song and gave him a hot fudge sundae after he ate his dinner. Next, we went to the bookstore where he bought the latest edition of (can't think of the name, sorry, but the author is going to be at their school next week for the book fair, so Kelton's going to get him to sign the book), and also we went into the Old Navy store where he bought a shirt that says "They're Going to Make a Movie About Me Someday". We are so glad to be his grandparents and it was fun to be with just him for a couple of hours. He's a nice kid with lots of friends. He invited me to his 5th grade classroom yesterday as he presented his "All About Kelton" poster. It was fun to meet his friends and teacher. Happy Birthday, Kelton! You're my favorite 11-year-old in the whole wide world. Always stay good, so you can be happy!

1 comment:

Mikol said...

I hope you both enjoy your time in Seattle! That Anna, she will let you know what is on her mind. I'll have to tell you about the conversation she wanted to have with a stranger today.